Getting Started ===================================== XML ------------------------------------------------- BsBuilder can only do what you tell it to, and to do that you have to *speak* XML. The basic XML structure of you project's build file should include: * One root element called ``project`` * Any number of elements elements such as ``property`` * At least one ``target`` element with any number of ``task`` sub elements A Very Simple Example ------------------------------------------------- We are going to build a project called, yes you know it, hello_world. .. code-block:: xml :linenos: First we define the project and it's name. And the most important part there is to define a ``default`` target which allows us to run bsbuild without arguments. Then for this example we define two targets: ``default`` and ``clean``. The ``default`` target it a simple *copy all* and compress build. We add the ``copy`` task and instruct it to copy everything from the current directory to the build directory. We can *ignore* some files and patterns but we'll talk about that in a minute. Then we have the ``package`` task which in this case, compresses everything from the ``dest`` folder into a file named ``hellod_workd.tar.bz2``. Run BsBuilder ------------------------------------------------- To run bs builder to build the example project we just run: ``bsbuild`` without arguments from the folder where we have the build.conf.xml file.